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Saturday, 12 January 2013


VISNU  impregnated Mäyä or material nature simply by glancing at her. This is the
spiritual method. Materially we are limited to impregnate by only one particular part of
our body, but the Supreme Lord, KRSNA or MAHA VISNU, can impregnate any part by any
part. Simply by glancing the Lord can conceive countless living entities in the womb of
material nature. The Brahma-samhita also confirms that the spiritual body of the
Supreme Lord is so powerful that any part of that body can perform the functions of
any other part. We can only touch with our hands or skin, but KRSNAcan touch just by
glancing. We can only see with our eyes, we cannot touch or smell with them. KRSNAhowever, can smell and also eat with His eyes. When foodstuffs are offered to KRSNA we
don't see Him eating, but He eats simply by glancing at the food. We cannot imagine
how things work in the spiritual world where everything is spiritual. It is not that KRSNA does not eat or that we imagine that He eats; He actually eats, but His eating is
different from ours. Our eating process will be similar to His when we are completely on
the spiritual platform. On that platform every part of the body can act on behalf of any OTHER  PART.

VISNU  does not require anything in order to create. He does not require the goddess
LAKSHMI  in order to give birth to Brahmä, for Brahmä is born from a lotus flower which
grows from the navel of  VISNU. The goddess LAKSHMI  sits at the feet of Viñëu and serves
Him. In this material world sex is required to produce children, but in the spiritual
world one can produce as many children as he likes without having to take help from
his wife. Because we have no experience with spiritual energy, we think that Brahmä's
birth from the navel of VISNU is simply a fictional story. We are not aware that spiritual
energy is so powerful that it can do anything and everything. Material energy is
dependent on certain laws, but spiritual energy is fully independent

Brahmä is born from the navel of Garbhodakasaye VISNU, who is but a partial
manifestation of the MAHA VISNU. Countless universes reside like seeds within the skin
pores of the MAHA VISNU, and when He exhales, they all are manifest. In the material
world we have no experience of such a thing, but we do experience a perverted
reflection in the phenomenon of perspiration. We cannot imagine, however, the
duration of one breath of the MAHA VISNU, for within one breath all of the universes
are created and annihilated. Lord Brahmä only lives for the duration of one breath, and
according to our time scale 4,320,000,000 years constitute only twelve hours of Brahmä,
and Brahmä lives one hundred of his years. Yet the whole life of Brahmä is contained
within one breath of the MAHA VISNU. Thus it is not possible for us to imagine the
breathing power of the Supreme Lord. That MAHA VISNU  is but a partial manifestation